The “green story” of Pounda Paou starts from its architecture. It is built in complete harmony with the surrounding landscape and the local architectural style. Only local materials, stone and wood decorate the inner and outer part of the buildings. The operational needs of the buildings are both environmentally sustainable and with a very low impact on nature. The installed solar water heaters have significantly diminished the use of oil, while only LED bulbs are used for the lighting.
All the rooms are equipped with energy saving technologies that automatically deactivate the electricity with keycard as well as automated systems that reduce energy consumption.
Waste water is processed in a tertiary cleaning system, to ensure that released water is as clean as possible and used to water our beautiful gardens that also help us counteract our hotel’s carbon footprint.
Our purchases are chosen with care and contain a low percentage of packaging materials.
The staff of the Resort is locals. We use local products, and cooperate with local companies in order to maintain a close relationship with the local community.